Logo Overview
The UC Merced logo represents the core of our brand in the simplest form and intended for use in print, web and video for both internal and external audiences.
Logo Elements
The UC Merced logo includes two elements; the Big M and the logotype. The logotype may be used as a standalone when required, but the Big M must always incorporate the logotype.
- Do not attach other graphic elements to the logo.
- Do not stretch or change the proportions of the logo.
- Do not rearrange components of the logo.
- Do not alter the weight of the logo.
Logo Size
The minimum size for the logo in print is 1.0” tall and 74px in digital.
Clear Space
The clear space around the logo should be a minimum of approximately 20px. No text, graphics or other elements should appear in this space.
The UC Merced Campus Seal is used under the authority of the Regents of the University of California. The seal may not be altered and used primarily for formal and ceremonial purposes. The Seal is also the primary Identifier of Administrative departments and formal situations. The Seal should be used with discretion. Please note the 1868 UC Seal is not included in UC Merced’s brand standards.

- Do not tilt or rotate the seal
- Do not recolor the seal
- Do not replace the Big M logo with the seal
Big M Files
These may be used as a design element. A Big M with a fill is not a replacement for the Big M logo. If used, a general or additional logo must be present on the graphic. The Big M can have approved university images or brand supporting icons inlaid in it. The images must have strong blue, white, or yellow undertones. To obtain permission and guidance for your filled Big M, please contact marketing.ucmerced.edu.
first. further. forward.
These words distill UC Merced’s mission into a recognizable and easily remembered phrase. Each word, and the phrase as a whole, can be defined in varying context to highlight UC Merced's unique attribute. The words are interrelated, with one leading to another. For example, in the context of student achievement, UC Merced is dedicated to empowering bold and bright students who are motivated to be first, to push their horizons further and to move the world forward.
We are dedicated to being leaders in teaching, research and public service. UC Merced faculty, staff and students strive to explore new ideas, find innovative and inclusive ways to build community, and establish fresh avenues of academic inquiry. UC Merced empowers first-generation scholars, is among the nation’s best in advancing students’ social mobility, and leads higher education in sustainable practices. In short, first can describe a journey, an achievement or a ranking. They all describe UC Merced.
Further takes the baton from first and accelerates down paths of discovery, innovation and student achievement. As members of a new and growing community, faculty, staff and students can make a lasting mark on the university and enjoy access to experiences in research, campus operations and student life unattainable at other institutions. Further describes discoveries and campus operations and outreach that started as a first but are now being explored or put into practice.
Our very presence as the first public research university in the Valley moves the region forward. We drive possibilities that couldn’t exist before – not just in the Valley but in California, the nation and around the globe. As we send emboldened graduates in the world, as our research community stretches the horizons of knowledge, and as we expand outreach to underrepresented communities, we collectively move forward.